American Studies

Understanding “American culture” as the interplay of material practices and the realm of ideas

The Undergraduate degree program in American Studies considers technology, economy, urbanism, and ecology, as well as literature, the arts, and political and geographic history. American Studies takes a particular interest in cultural hybridity, cultural layering, and in American culture exported abroad.

Profile image of Laura Spautz

Student Academic Advising

The Student Academic Advisor’s job is to guide students and faculty as they navigate University, College, and Major Program policies. Laura is an experienced advisor who is available to serve as a sounding board for ideas and concerns as they arise.

Faculty Advising


Spotlight on American Studies Graduates

Image of Oona FitzpatrickImage of Oona Fitzpatrick

Oona Fitzpatrick

Rhizomes of Resistance: The Indigenous Reclamation of Alcatraz and Moms 4 Housing as Sites of Commoning
Profile image of Robert GibbonsProfile image of Robert Gibbons

Robert Gibbons

Robert Gibbons : - The Presidio from Post to Park: Two Hundred Years of Transition (Class of 2017)
Profile image of Everardo MoraProfile image of Everardo Mora

Everardo Mora

Everardo Mora : - "Life behind the 'Shield:' Cannery Culture and the 'Farandula' at Del Monte Plant 3" (Class of 2009)
Profile image of MG BertrandProfile image of MG Bertrand

MG Bertrand

Children of the Vines: Language and Power in the Napa Valley’s Dual Immersion Schools

Get in touch

Administrative Office

Laura Spautz
265 Evans Hall