Save the Date! Twice Told Tales – American Studies Spring 2025 Conference, Friday, May 9, 9am-1pm, Women’s Faculty Club
More details will be posted here soon.
Talk by Oz Frankel on his book Coca-Cola, Black Panthers, and Phantom Jets: Israel in the American Orbit, 1967–1973 – March 10

With the support of American Studies, History, the Center for Jewish Studies, and the Magnes, the Helen Diller Institute is sponsoring a book talk by Oz Frankel on his book Coca-Cola, Black Panthers, and Phantom Jets: Israel in the American Orbit, 1967–1973. The lecture is scheduled for Monday, March 10, at 4pm in the Law School (4-5:30pm), followed by a reception across the street in the patio of Freehouse (5:45-7pm).
2025 UGIS Commencement Ceremony: Monday, May 19, 9:00-11:00 AM, Zellerbach Auditorium

The ceremony will be live streamed with captioning, and recorded. This ceremony is for students in the American Studies, Media Studies, and ISF majors who are graduating in Fall 2024, Spring 2025, Summer 2025 and Fall 2025. For more information, please visit Guest tickets will be available in March and the link for purchasing tickets will be posted at We will notify students and post an announcement here when tickets are available We look forward to seeing you there!
May 14, 2024 UGIS Commencement Ceremony will be live streamed and recorded

The UGIS Commencement ceremony on May 14, 7-9pm, at Zellerbach Hall, will be live streamed with captioning at the link below. And on Thursday, May 16, a recorded video of the ceremony will be available for viewing at the same link. CONGRATULATIONS, CLASS OF 2024!
American Studies Major Brittany Postle Wins 2024 Haas Scholarship

Brittany is a junior with a concentration in Disability and Human Rights in America. Her Haas project is called “William O. Douglas and Fight for Pristine Wilderness in a Damaged World: How Ableism in the Supreme Court Shaped Our Ideas of Nature,” and her research questions are (to quote her application materials) “how the advocacy of Supreme Court Justice, William O. Douglas used his powers in office to create pristine wilderness spaces. Using the methodologies of Professor Sunaura Taylor’s disturbed ecologies, I seek to answer how the idea of the […]
American Studies Major Cat Stoehr Wins 2024 Haas Scholarship

Cat is researching the history of strikes and unionization drives among American ballet companies from the 1930s to the present.
Emma Gerson, American Studies graduate (class of 2023), has won the 2023 American Cultures Student Prize!

American Studies is proud to announce that Emma Gerson, a graduate of our program (class of 2023), has won the 2023 American Cultures Student Prize! This prize recognizes exemplary student projects developed in American Cultures courses “that promotes understanding of U.S. race, ethnicity, and culture and exemplifies a standard of excellence in scholarship.” Emma’s award-winning submission, “Alcatraz: A Carceral-Colonial Space,” was the capstone project she created in my class, American Studies 102AC (Beaches in Mind: The Beach in American Culture), in Fall 2021. The prize committee praised the impressive nature of Emma’s research […]
We are proud to announce that Sarah Gold McBride has won the 2023 American Cultures Excellence in Teaching Award!

This coveted prize recognizes “inspiring and sustained commitment” to address the “multivocality of America’s diverse social fabric; the scales of geographic assemblage that support political and economic ways of being; the often contested nature of the political nation; the intersectional vectors that operate through everyday life.” It rewards “great creativity, ingenuity, and courage” in the classroom. For those of us who have been lucky enough to learn from and/or teach alongside Prof. Gold McBride, this is a much-deserved acknowledgement of her profound contributions to teaching in American Studies and in […]
American Studies Spring 2024 Conference – Twice Told Tales: May 3, 2024, at the Women’s Faculty Club, Lucy Ward Stebbins Lounge

9:30 AM Coffee and Informal Welcome 10:00 Steven Lee (English) / “Cold War Subcultures: Viktor Tsoi and William Gibson’s Cyberpunk International” 10:40 Christian Paiz (Ethnic Studies) / “Walking with the comrades: a five year public history project on the UFW Movement” 11:20 Louise Mozingo (Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning) / “From Persuasive Generosity to Expendable Commodity: The Future of the Modernist Corporate Estate” Noon-2:00 Break 2:00 PM Alec Stewart (Architecture) / “Meet Me at the Swap Meet”: Asian American Commerce and the Emergence of West Coast Hip Hop” 2:40 Laurie […]
American Studies Senior Thesis Showcase: Thursday, May 2, 2024, 12:00– 3:00 pm, 3335 Dwinelle

Please join the American Studies community for our annual celebration of the fantastic research and writing conducted by UC Berkeley’s American Studies majors this year! The 2nd Annual American Studies Senior Thesis Showcase will feature short presentations from 11 senior thesis students and an afternoon Q&A roundtable with presenters, who will share more about their senior thesis experience and their advice for future thesis students. The day will end with a reception for all attendees in Ishi Court from 3–4 pm. Join us to see a range of what’s possible […]