Christine Palmer
Associate Director - American Studies
Office Hours
Spring 2025
In Person: Thursdays, 11:00 am–12:00 pm, 253 Evans. No appointment required. If I am meeting with another student, please wait in the hallway after making sure I see you.
Zoom: Fridays, 10:00 am–12:00 pm. To make appointments, go here:
Christine Palmer holds a Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of California, Berkeley. She also completed a Master’s in Anthropology at UC Berkeley and an AB in Romance Languages and Literatures at Princeton University. Palmer’s research and teaching focus on the interplay between race, visual culture, literature, and cultural memory in twentieth-century popular and mass culture. Palmer is affiliated with the Folklore Program.
Spring 2025 course offerings:
- Amerstd C111E/English C136: Culture and Society in Classical Hollywood Cinema (co-taught with Bryan Wagner, English)
- Amerstd 10: “I’ll Be There for You”: Friendship in America (co-taught with Sara Gold McBride, American Studies).
Recent course offerings include:
- Amerstd 110/Music 128: Listening to America (co-taught with David Miller, Music and American Studies)
- Amerstd 101: The Teen Age
- Amerstd 110: The Good Life
- Amerstd 10: Going Nuclear! (co-taught with Mark Brilliant, History and American Studies)
- Amerstd 110: American Media and Culture since WWII
- Amerstd 101: James Baldwin’s America, 1953-74
- Amerstd 10: The Future Then: Imagining American Tomorrows
- Amerstd 10: “I’ll Be There for You”: Friendship in America (co-taught with Sarah Gold McBride, American Studies)
- Amerstd 10: Love, American Style
- Amerstd 101: Explosive Ideologies: American Culture in the Atomic Age
- Amerstd 10: At Home in America (co-taught with Kathleen Moran, American Studies)
- Amerstd 101: Harlem Renaissance (co-taught with Bryan Wagner, English)
- Amerstd 10: Frontiers in American History and Culture (co-taught with Mark Brilliant, History and American Studies)
- Amerstd H110: Standing in a Crooked Room Speaking God’s Language: Memory, Creation, and Fiction (honors seminar)
- Amerstd 10: Everyday America
- Amerstd 10: America, Song by Song (co-taught with Greil Marcus and Kathleen Moran, American Studies)
- Amerstd 10: America at Play
- Amerstd H110: Rebels and Revolutionaries (honors seminar)

- 253 Evans Hall