American Studies Senior Thesis Showcase: Thursday, May 2, 2024, 12:00– 3:00 pm, 3335 Dwinelle

Please join the American Studies community for our annual celebration of the fantastic research and writing conducted by UC Berkeley’s American Studies majors this year! The 2nd Annual American Studies Senior Thesis Showcase will feature short presentations from 11 senior thesis students and an afternoon Q&A roundtable with presenters, who will share more about their senior thesis experience and their advice for future thesis students. The day will end with a reception for all attendees in Ishi Court from 3–4 pm. Join us to see a range of what’s possible […]
UGIS Spring 2024 Commencement Ceremony: Tuesday, May 14, 2024, 7:00 – 9:00 pm, Zellerbach Hall Auditorium

For tickets, important updates, and further information, please visit the UGIS Spring 2024 Commencement website. Guest tickets can be purchased at this link. Participating graduates do not need to purchase a ticket for themselves. The ticket link above is to purchase tickets for guests who will be celebrating with you! All tickets are general admission and seats are claimed on a first-come, first-served, basis. There will be a livestream of the ceremony for those who cannot physically attend the ceremony. The livestreaming link will posted here and on the UGIS […]
New book by Shannon Steen: The Creativity Complex: Art, Tech, and the Seduction of an Idea

Excerpted from the website of University of Michigan Press Q&A with author Shannon Steen, assistant professor of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies at the University of California at Berkeley, USA, where she is also faculty for the program in American Studies. This guest author post is a Q&A with Shannon Steen, author of The Creativity Complex: Art, Tech, and the Seduction of an Idea , from the University of Michigan Press. The book is available in hardcover, paper, and accessible ebook. What initially inspired you to explore the concept of creativity and […]
Video recording of May 17, 2023 UGIS Commencement Ceremony is available!