American Studies

About the Minor

The American Studies minor allows students to take advantage of the one of largest and most diverse course curricula available anywhere in the world as well as learn about the American context that impacts and defines the issues they are learning about in their departmental majors. Open to all UC Berkeley students, the minor will introduce students to interdisciplinary modes of inquiry, foster knowledge about the culture of the U.S., and train students to write and communicate clearly about it.

To receive a minor in American Studies, students must complete 24 units as follows:

  • one lower-division introduction to American Studies course (Amerstd 10, Amerstd 10AC, 4 units)
  • two upper-division courses that focus on “Time,” and two upper-division “Place” courses in American Studies (16 total units). NOTE: Students may occasionally enroll in a three unit upper-division courses o satisfy this requirement, as offered.
  • one capstone research/writing project to be completed in one of the existing seminar courses taught by American Studies affiliated faculty (4 units).


All students in the minor will have hands-on guidance and advice from American Studies faculty. For more information about the minor, please  contact the American Studies Student Academic Advisor, Laura Spautz at

American Studies Minor Declaration Form